Things I ate:
10:00 am: omelet with mushrooms, sautéed onions, crumbled sausage, parmesan cheese and 3 pieces of bacon.
11:15 am: 2 handfuls of Cheese Its
12:30pm: 2 bowls of Bryers Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream
2:45 pm: Bowl O’ chili
4:30 pm: more ice cream
7:25 pm: Thai chicken soup and sliced tomatoes topped with mozzarella, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Things I hate: overzealous liberals
Just to show that my ire is not confined solely to the Right I also hate a section of the left: the overzealous liberal. This overzealous liberal relies on hyper-emotional reactions rather than actual fact and makes the rest of us--the reasoned liberal--look bad.
Here are some indicators that you are engaged with an overzealous liberal:
They reference either the rules of Utimate Frisbee or Noam Chomsky during an argument.
They go to lots of potlucks but only bring edamame or tabule.
They often use the alliterative sentence “Well, at Warren Wilson we…”
To speak with them you have to scream up into a tree on Berkley’s campus in which they are currently living.
While talking to an overzealous liberal you will be exposed to at least one of three distinctive scents: 1. Intense BO 2. Patchouli 3.Onions (they love cooking with onions).
The problem I have with the OL is that they prefer drastic, extremist solutions rather than reasoned responses. The best example of the drastic liberal screwing the rest of us is the 2000 election. Those crazy fucks voted for Ralph Nader. By running too far to the left they effectively gave the election to Bush which screwed all the liberals and ironically themselves. So, as a rational liberal, I will not be letting it mellow even if it’s yellow. I will not be feeding myself out of the grocery dumpster even though I agree we are a wasteful society. I will still be routing for the Indians even though their mascot is racist. And when someone asks, “Why was Helen Keller a bad driver?” and then informs me that it was because “she was a woman,” I’m going to laugh even though it is sexist. So fuck off liberal extremists. You make us all look crazy and you’re not helping!!