8:30 am: Poppy seed bagel with red pepper cream cheese
12:20 pm: Wonton soup, Mongolian beef (Osaka restaurant)
7:30 pm: 7 lemon pepper wings (Recovery Room tavern)
Things I Hate:
Condoms. We all hate them and we all know why. They make a fun endeavor substantially less pleasurable for everyone involved. On top of the physical problems, they inject a nice helping of awkwardness into what is likely an already awkward procedure. If it is not awkward you are either A: regularly sleeping together, or B: drunk, either way you’re not using condoms anyway. So condoms are silly looking, expensive and make an intimate experience practically medical but that isn’t the worst part.
The true screw of the condom is that as bad as they are to use they will always be better than babies and AIDS. So, no matter how bad condoms are you still have to wear them. It’s like paying your taxes. Paying them royally sucks but the alternative is going to jail and getting ass raped (likely without a condom). So no matter how high your taxes go you will pay them and no matter how silly your dangle looks encased in purple ribbed latex you will wear them.
Let's never wear them ...