Wednesday, April 1, 2009

salmon and couples

Things I ate:

8:30 am: everything bagel with cream cheese

12:30 pm: leftover pizza and karamelsutra icecream

7:00 pm: baked salmon, carrots

 things I hate:

Couples that sit on the same side of the booth:

Come on!  Stop this.  Your happiness is making me sick.  It pisses everyone off.  It pisses the single people off because they don't’ have anyone to elbow during lunch.  It also pisses off all the people who are in relationships because it makes them remember that at some point in their current relationship they actually like the person there are with enough to paw each other over breakfast.   The only solace that I get when seeing this is knowing that in a matter of months this couple will be either broken up or sitting opposite of each other silently criticizing the eating habits of their companion and wondering how they are still with this person.

1 comment:

  1. Abrener, it's Mary (follower number 2) I spoke with Gibilly today. Me and several Tsunami waitress friends are having a bachelorette party for a coworker on saturday and Gibilly said we can do our slumber party at your house afterwards since we will already be downtown. We'll bring the beer.
    PS Prediction for Abrener's next blog: Things I hate....bachelorette parties.
