I went to the bathroom at the restaurant last night and they had one of those towel-dispensing robots. This thing shoots out about 6 inches of brown “paper” so not absorbent that I have to stand there like a schizophrenic mime waiving my hands back and forth for 5 minutes just to get enough to dry my hands. (Maybe the frantic fruitless hand waiving in front of the motion sensor is supposed to dry your hands?) Why cant we make a robot that can dry hands? Those blower things suck. You just stand there flipping your hands: top, bottom, top, bottom and your never dry.
How is it that we can build a robot like this (turn your sound on for this)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBMU6l6GsdM&eurl=http://www.buzzfeed.com/expresident/multiple-kill-vehicle but we cant make a robot that dries hands? We should give the task to Boeing or Lockheed Martin. Then, we would have a ten million dollar badass hand-drying robot that would also kill non-Christians (all their products do that now, its like a side effect/trademark thing you cant avoid)
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