Saturday, March 28, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009
its early, that is all I have eaten today.
things I hate: this commercial
So I have been watching hours of basketball during the tournament and this commercial keeps popping up. Now I have no problem with a product that is designed to help women trim their lady parts, but I do have a problem with this disgusting commercial. They think they are being subtle by showing us bushes (BUSHES!!!) being cleaned up into nice shapes. I just really didn't need to know that the woman by the pool prefers the landing strip while showering woman goes for the triangle. Have we no shame people? By the way you know the person who pitched this at the add agency was a dude.
“Its bushes getting smaller because of our Shick trimmer”
“Brilliant Jim, brilliant!”
10 points to anyone who can tell me what the song is (I can't figure it out)
Monday, March 9, 2009

Things I ate:
9:00 am: 3 scrambled eggs, 4 pieces of bacon
11:00 am: everything bagel with cream cheese (thanks Hudson)
2:00 pm: chicken quesadilla ½ of a tuna taco (Poe’s restaurant)
11:00 pm: bowl of chili
Bottled water has gotten out of hand. There was a time, not so long ago, that we just drank the water from the faucet. If you wanted to take water somewhere, like the gym, you filled up a bottle and took it with you. Tap water was fine for years, but today, because of all of the bottled water, I have some irrational fear that my tap water is diseased. I am no crazy environmentalist but bottled water in America alone adds 29 billion water bottles to our landfills and uses up 17 billion barrels of oil to produce. “Imagine a water bottle filled a quarter of the way up with oil. That’s about how much oil was needed to produce the bottle” (this is from national geographic for kids. link ) Can you believe that we are paying someone to ship water from fucking Fiji to our house?! This is why the Saudis have us by the balls.
I also don't understand how these companies have convinced us to go out and buy a product that is already pumped into our house for much cheaper. It is like selling air. By the way, I am not talking about the people who buy a bottle of water at the gas station before a road trip, but the people at Costco loading up on 14 pallets of the stuff to keep in their fridge right next to their sink.
My biggest problem with the over the counter water is that it isn’t simply water anymore. Now it comes with coloring, flavoring, and salt added to it. This is called Gatorade people. We have come full circle from buying sports drinks to buying water to now buying water that has been turned back into a sports drink. By the way, those electrolytes that are so great in Gatorade is just salt (NaCl)!