Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kids with Mustaches!!!

What I ate:

9:00 am : sausage and 2 scrambled eggs

12:30: bowl of chili

7:45 pm: grilled fish, carrots, and biscuits

11:00 pm: Bryers mint chocolate chip ice cream and Rolos


What I hate: creepy kid mustaches

Ok so I was watching the Scripps national spelling bee and I was reminded of 2 things.  First, I will never be as smart as these freaks and secondly, there is a creepy moustache epidemic plaguing our nations middle schoolers.  I keep seeing these kids who just barely have a moustache and don’t know what to do about it.  Now I know you are in that awkward phase before people tell you that you need to wear deodorant and shave that sketch stache but,  THIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK.   You do not look like a man.  You look like a 12 year old impersonating a man who molests 12 year olds.  So please people, if you have a child or sibling who suffers from creep-stache syndrome tell them that they have to get rid of that caterpillar on their lip it's making me sick.